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St. Mary’s Bay Coastal Alliance, Friends of Port Mouton Bay and Mayday-Shelburne County are expressing grave concern over the recent fines levied against Kelly Cove Salmon Ltd. by Health Canada for the improper use of pesticides in N.B. (Herald, Nov. 29, 2011) The fact that Kelly Cove Salmon could not work out basic measurements of a highly toxic pesticide is alarming, to say the least. The fish farming industry is aware of the extreme risk the pesticide Salmosan poses to other marine species, particularly lobster – to KNOWINGLY use such a highly toxic pesticide improperly is absolutely shocking.

Why has the NSDFA been silent on the ongoing serious issue of pesticide charges against Cooke Aquaculture, the same company the NSDFA is allowing to expand in N.S.?

In addition, the industrys’ comments about sea lice treatments in N.S. are confusing. Cooke Aquaculture representatives have continually stated that they have never had to treat for sea lice in N.S., while recent statements by Pamela Parker (ACFFA) suggest otherwise. Dr. Roland Cusack, NSDFA Fish Health Veterinarian, has stated that in 2010, a N.S. salmon farm treated for sea lice.

This is an opportunity for the NSDFA to clear up this confusion and disclose when and where sea lice treatments have been used in N.S. It is also time to hear the NSDFA’s position on the industries’ continued issues with the use of pesticides. A "good neighbour", as Cooke Aquaculture has described itself, does not knowingly put other neighbourhood businesses, like the lobster fishery, at risk.

Karen Crocker, St. Mary’s Bay Coastal Alliance


Gloria Gilbert, Friends of Port Mouton Bay


Sindy Horncastle, Marilyn Moore , Mayday-Shelburne County

